Subtraction Strategies and Fact Fluency Station for 4th Grade

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Subtraction Strategies and Fact Fluency Station for 4th Grade

Regular price $17.99
  • Grades: 4th grade and 5th grade
  • Pages: 222 pages
  • Topics: Math Strategies and Subtraction
  • Digital Download
This is a digital download. No physical product will be shipped.

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Implement more mental math strategies into your classroom or work more strategically to target your students' needs with The Subtraction Station! Students are engaged and motivated by choice, power, and fun.

With The Subtraction Station, students work through a series of subtraction activities for each level. They complete the activities, self-check using the prepared answer keys, and keep track of their progress using their personal tracker. At the end of each level, the student asks the teacher for a quick, informal, one-minute oral quiz. If he knows his facts/strategies, he moves to the next level. If not, he simply practices a bit more until he feels ready. There are no negative consequences.


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