Make a Ten is a mental math strategy where students use the number combinations that make ten to form connections and relationships to other facts.
First, students must learn the number combinations that make 10. Then, they can confidently use those combinations. For example, to solve 8+5, a student might think, “I can take two from the 5 and give it to the 8 to make a ten, and then add the leftover 3 to make 13.” See the free preview for a representation of that thinking using ten frames.
My Math Fact Philosophy
My resources are created with this philosophy in mind:
•Math should be taught using the Concrete-Representational-Abstract model.
•UNDERSTANDING math facts is more important than memorizing math facts. Conceptual understanding is the key to math fact fluency.
•Students must be able to visualize the math in order to really understand it.
•True math fact fluency is more than just speed and accuracy. It also includes flexibility, which is essential to true fluency.
•One of the best ways to build flexibility is by making connections and forming relationships between facts.
What's Included?
This unit includes:
Make a Ten Strategy Reference Poster and Fact Posters to post in your classroom for easy reference
Thinking About Math strategy reflection
Classroom Math Talk: Use these prompts for Number Talks or to get a conversation started about strategies and flexible thinking.
Activity Sheets: A variety of activities to practice the make a ten strategy in a fun and conceptual way, including rekenrek and ten frame representations
Small Group or Station Activities: Use these task card activities for guided math groups, small groups, or even individual learning.
Mini Flashcards with Suggested Activities
What Teachers Are Saying
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I have this on screen while my student has a hard copy in front of her. Paired with manipulatives, this is an engaging set of activities that helps students practice flexibility with math facts!" Academic Ascent
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "An excellent resource for modelling and walking students and their families through the steps of the lesson, they were able to understand even when they missed the virtual lesson, great visuals and examples for families to use." Stephanie P.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "I liked this resource as my students needed practice with this concept while dealing with the Eureka Math curriculum. This resource helps my students to visually see the concept of making a ten. I think this resource could be a great center activity while practicing how to make a ten using different colors to see it." Melinda N.