Comprehension questions are included for each couple of chapters of this novel. These can be used as written activities or as a basis for oral, whole-class discussions. Your students will not only answer questions to show their understanding but also to make predictions and connections to their own lives.
Supplementary activities are also included for each chapter. These will allow students to dive deeper into the novel, and incorporate other essential skills using graphic organizers. Activities include:
- Pre-reading activities
- Internet Research
- Personal Dictionary
- KWL Chart
- Character Attribute Webs
- Making Connections to Self, Texts, and the World
- Venn Diagrams
- Similes
- Sequencing Using a Comic Strip
- Creating an Advertisement Using Persuasive Language
- Identifying Pros and Cons
- Character Sketch and Attribute Webs
- Sequencing and Transition Words
- Writing a Newspaper Article
- Adjectives and Synonyms
- Story Pyramid
- Timeline of Events
- Book Review
- Write a Chapter
and more!
There is a lot of choice included so you can choose the activities that best suit your classroom goals.