There’s over 100 useable student slides to reinforce multiplication!
Equal groups, arrays, and repeated addition will reinforce conceptual understanding of multiplication. (6 slides)
Students will work with patterns in multiplication using a hundred chart. (3 slides)
Multiplication problems will enhance real understanding and give students a chance to see how multiplication is used in real life. (10 slides)
Students will think about how many ways they can make numbers. (6 slides)
Investigations will encourage students to think conceptually about the meaning of multiplication, make connections between facts, and use arrays to provide proof. (3 slides)
Math mats can be used for students to represent multiplication in different ways, including as a skip-counting sequence, repeated addition, an array, and equal groups. Students will also think of a nearby related fact. (10 slides)
Multiplication will be related to area to provide additional practice with transitioning from array to grid. (6 slides)
Making connections are essential for a good understanding of multiplication! These activities will encourage students to make those important connections between facts. (5 slides)
Fact practice activities for each set of facts from 0-10. Activities for each set of facts include fact practice, highlighting the correct answer, relating to arrays, missing factors, and an interactive memory game. (42 slides)
If your students need a little recap of multiplication strategies, I’ve embedded a video for each set of facts right into the slide. These videos play using YouTube and include me explaining strategies and relationships between facts. (10 slides/videos)
Other fun activities include Dice Multiplication, Domino Multiplication, and a multiplication chart. (4 slides)
I’ve also included blank templates for you to make activities using your own facts/numbers. (6 slides)