Counting on is one of the first strategies that most students use for addition. When we count on, we begin with the largest number and count up by ones. For example, to solve 5+3, start with 5 and count up: “6, 7, 8.”
This resource includes a variety of materials for teaching the counting-on strategy and is separated into three sections to make differentiation seamless: 0-10, 0-20, and 0-100.
My Math Fact Philosophy
My resources are created with this philosophy in mind:
•Math should be taught using the Concrete-Representational-Abstract model.
•UNDERSTANDING math facts is more important than memorizing math facts. Conceptual understanding is the key to math fact fluency.
•Students must be able to visualize the math in order to really understand it.
•True math fact fluency is more than just speed and accuracy. It also includes flexibility, which is essential to true fluency.
•One of the best ways to build flexibility is by making connections and forming relationships between facts.