A near double is a fact that is close to a doubles fact. This is best illustrated with manipulatives such as ten frames. Near doubles can include the double plus one more, double plus two more, or the double minus one or two.
My Math Fact Philosophy
My resources are created with this philosophy in mind:
•Math should be taught using the Concrete-Representational-Abstract model.
•UNDERSTANDING math facts is more important than memorizing math facts. Conceptual understanding is the key to math fact fluency.
•Students must be able to visualize the math in order to really understand it.
•True math fact fluency is more than just speed and accuracy. It also includes flexibility, which is essential to true fluency.
•One of the best ways to build flexibility is by making connections and forming relationships between facts.
What's Included?
This unit includes:
- Near Doubles Reference Poster to post in your classroom for easy reference
- Thinking About Math strategy reflection
- Classroom Math Talk: Use these prompts for Number Talks or to get a conversation started about strategies and flexible thinking.
- Activity Sheets to practice the near doubles strategy in a variety of fun and conceptual ways including ten frame and rekenrek representations
- Small Group or Station Activities: Use these task card activities for guided math groups, small groups, or even individual learning.
- Mini Flashcards with Suggested Activities
What Teachers Are Saying
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This unit is so well planned. I used it and each of the components for an observation and my admin was very pleased with how I incorporated a discussion to start (using the prompts), taught the lesson and had several different options of worksheets. As well, the unit went from concrete to abstract so the students could really develop their understanding of doubles." Liat V.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "This resource was so helpful and I could pull from so many items!! :)" Ciarra L.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Many thanks for taking the time to make this great product. My students were engaged and it completely aligned with our standards." Talia H.